It's after midnight here, and I have my alarm clock set for 7 tomorrow morning. Actually it's Aaron's alarm clock... mine died. (So Dad... in case I forget to ask, can Kate bring yours?) Ray is going to Belfast tomorrow for a meeting, but he'll only be there for about an hour - so he offered to drop me off in Derry (or Londonderry, depending on which side of the Foyle you're on), which is on the way. So I'll be there for a good five hours, at least. I don't really have a plan, but I'll figure it out. I could do with a day trip. Although, it IS too bad that it had to be on my last "free" day in Donegal... we're spending Friday cleaning, and it would've been nice to spend a day in the sitting room (which nobody uses), reading next to the huge wall-sized window. Ah well. I won't complain. :)
I wasn't too productive today - I did some writing, and some cleaning, but mostly I slept, due to my stupid dead alarm clock. We had dinner at Carole's parents house and spent most of the evening there. I really do love those people - it's ridiculous how wonderful they are. I sat next to Carole's mother (Agnes is her name) at the table. and during every conversation, she would elbow me and whisper some hilariously snarky or sweet aside about whatever had just been said. And Eric, her husband, is an amazing chef who doesn't take "I'm fine, thanks" for an answer - which I love. On Sunday he had asked if we'd like to have kidney for dinner this week, so I went there tonight expecting the worst - but I was pleasantly surprised. Not because I realized that I liked kidney, but because we didn't have it. We had "steak pie", which was pretty much what it sounds like - a pastry crust stuffed with steak. It was really good, too! (At first I thought it was kidney pie, because I was still suspicious. But it was just your normal, juicy, shredded steak.) We came back, I had some tea and wrote some more, and somehow now it's almost 1 o'clock. WHAT. Ugh. Why do I stay up when I don't need to?
I'm going to think about that question while I turn off the computer, lean back on my pillow and close my eyes.
P.S. I'm leaving for England a week from tomorrow!
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